


Recreation Ground, Cane Lane, Grove Wantage, OX12 0AE






Reconstruction and enlargement of scout hall. (As amended by plans and additional information received 24 June 2021, 1 July 2021 and 8 September 2021).



Ron Batstone

Ben Mabbett

Amos Duveen

Jenny Hannaby



Grove Scout Group



Sally Appleyard






Planning permission is granted, subject to the following conditions:




1.    Commencement of development within three years

2.    Development in accordance with approved plans



3.    Details of materials to be submitted

4.    Surface water drainage scheme to be submitted

5.    Foul water drainage scheme to be submitted

6.    Tree protection details to be submitted

7.    Landscaping scheme to be submitted

8.    Phased contaminated land risk assessment to be submitted



9.    Compliance with remediation report and submission of validation report

10. Installation of bat box on site



11. Restriction on usable floor space






The application is referred to planning committee at the discretion of the Development Manager. 




Grove Scout Hall is located on the southern edge of Grove, set centrally in the recreation ground surrounded by sports pitches, with Grove Rugby Club located to the east. Vehicle access to the site is obtained from Cane Lane to the north, which leads to a shared car parking area. The nearest residential dwellings are located approximately 80.0 metres to the north and 80.0 metres to the east.




A site location plan is provided below:




The application seeks full planning permission for the reconstruction and enlargement of the existing scout hall in order to improve the facilities. The proposals seek to remove the timber framed hall and flat roofs over the ancillary accommodation and largely reconstruct a replacement building. Parts of the existing masonry walls of the ancillary accommodation will be retained where possible, but the main central hall will be reconstructed and repositioned to the north to allow the provision of a new meeting room and sufficiently spacious entrance hall. The existing elements to the east and west will be reconfigured and extended to provide suitable wc, kitchen and storage facilities.




The proposal also involves alterations to the roof in order to provide additional storage space within the roof. This involves increasing the eaves level from approximately 3.2 metres to 3.7 metres, and increasing the overall height from approximately 5.3 metres to 7.4 metres. The orientation of the roof will also change, with the gables fronting north and south.




The application plans are attached at Appendix 1.






This a summary of the final responses received from consultees and third parties to the application. The full responses can be viewed on the council website:


Grove Parish Council

No objection, however raise the following concerns:

·         Potential loss of car parking spaces in the adjacent car park during the construction phase.

·         Location of any construction compound for the storage of construction equipment.

·         Routes of access for construction machinery (all land surrounding the development site is either owned or leased by the Parish Council).


Local Residents

One letter of support has been received, as well as one letter of objection. The concerns raised are as follows:

·         Increase in noise and disturbance to nearby residents.


Highways Liaison Officer (Oxfordshire County Council)

First consultation

Holding objection. Concerns regarding car parking.


Second consultation

No objection, subject to conditions:

·         First floor area to be restricted to be used for ancillary storage space.


Countryside Officer

First consultation

Holding objection. Bat survey report to be submitted.


Second consultation

No objection, subject to condition:

·         Provision of bat box


Contaminated Land Officer

First Consultation

Holding objection. Contamination land questionnaire to be submitted.


Second consultation

No objection, subject to condition:

·         Phased contaminated land risk assessment to be submitted.

Forestry Officer

No objection, subject to conditions:

·         Tree protection

·         Landscaping


Drainage Engineer

No objection, subject to conditions:

·         Surface water drainage details

·         Foul water drainage details


Sport England

No objection


Environmental Protection Team


No objection


Thames Water Development Control

No objection. Informatives.



SGN Plant Protection Team

No strong views









P19/V0308/FUL - Approved (17/05/2019)

Extension to ground floor to add weights room, store and plant room. Together with new first floor with viewing balcony and alterations to layout of clubhouse/changing facilities.(As amended by documentation received on 15 February 2019 and 18 March 2019. Amended red line plan received 18 March 2019)


P09/V0168 - Approved (03/04/2009)

Variation of Condition 5 of planning permission GRO/3403/5, to allow the use of the building in line with opening hours agreed with Licensing Dept in August 2008.


P03/V0649 - Approved (05/06/2003)

Extension to form five new changing rooms with function room/bar above. New storage area. New fitness/weights room.


P99/V1092/O - Approved (07/10/1999)

Demolition of scout hut. Erection of community/sports building.



Pre-application History




Screening Opinion requests







The proposal does not fall within a category of development that would be subject to EIA.





The relevant planning considerations are the following:


·         Principle of development

·         Design and character

·         Residential amenity

·         Traffic, parking and highway safety

·         Flood risk and drainage

·         Land contamination

·         Biodiversity

·         Trees



Principle of development

The NPPF is supportive of the retention and development of local community facilities, and Development Policy 8 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 part 2 also supports the provision of new or extended community facilities.



The proposal seeks to improve the existing facilities with a larger hall space, additional meeting rooms, and additional storage space, which will benefit the local community. The development of the enlarged building will not result in the loss of, or prejudice the use of the adjacent playing pitches. Consequently, the principle of development is supported by development plan policies and the NPPF.



Design and character

Core Policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1 requires new development to be of a high-quality design that is visually attractive and the scale, height, massing and details are appropriate for the site and surrounding area. The Council’s Design Guide provides a further guidance on how to achieve high quality, well-designed homes such as identifying the context of the site and how this should inform the development. 



The proposal involves the reconstruction and enlargement of the existing scout hall in order to improve the facilities. The proposals seek to remove the timber framed hall and flat roofs over the ancillary accommodation and largely reconstruct a replacement building. Parts of the existing masonry walls of the ancillary accommodation will be retained where possible, but the main central hall will be reconstructed and extended to the north to allow the provision of a new meeting room and sufficiently spacious entrance hall. The existing elements to the east and west will be reconfigured and extended to provide suitable wc, kitchen and storage facilities.



The proposal also involves alterations to the roof in order to provide additional storage space within the roof. This involves increasing the eaves level from approximately 3.2 metres to 3.7 metres, and increasing the overall height from approximately 5.3 metres to 7.4 metres. The orientation of the roof will also change, with the gables fronting north and south.



The new building will be constructed of facing brickwork to external walls with horizontal and vertical boarded cladding panels. The new gabled pitched roof will be covered with profiled sheets. The proposed materials are considered acceptable in principle, however further specific details are required. It is considered reasonable and necessary to secure these details by condition.



Overall, the proposed reconstruction and enlargement of the scout hall is considered to be acceptable in terms of the scale, form, height and appearance, and are is considered to result in harm to the visual amenity of the area. The proposal is therefore considered to comply with Core Policy 37 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1, and with the Council’s Design Guide.



Residential amenity

Development Policy 23 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1 sets out measures to minimise the impact of development on neighbouring amenity, in terms of loss or privacy, overshadowing or dominance.



The nearest residential properties are located approximately 80 metres to the north, and approximately 80 metres to the east. Given the distance involved, it is not considered that the proposed development will harm the amenities of these residents in terms of overshadowing, dominance or loss of privacy.



Concerns have been raised by a local resident located on Westfield Close to the east regarding noise and disturbance from the proposed development. The proposal is seeking a replacement of the existing scout hall, and whilst the improved facilities will likely result in additional members of the scout group, it is not considered to be a significant increase. The council’s Environmental Health Officer has been consulted on this application to assess this aspect, and has raised no objections. Should problems arise, they may be more appropriately dealt with using licensing and nuisance powers. As such, it is not considered that the proposal will result in significant noise levels that would justify refusal of the application. This aspect is covered under separate legislation outside of planning (licensing and nuisance powers).



Overall, it is not considered that the proposed development would result in

significant adverse impacts on the amenity of neighbouring uses. The proposal is therefore considered to comply with Development Policy 23 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 part 2.



Traffic, parking and highway safety

Core Policies 35 and 37 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 Part 1 require development to be well connected to provide safe and convenient ease of movement by all users, and that adequate car parking is provided in accordance with Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) standards on all new developments.



The existing building has a floor area of approximately 140 square metres, however taking into account the space used for storage, this leaves approximately 82 square metres of useable floor area. The application form highlights that an additional floor space of 183sqm is to be provided, which would usually generate the need for an additional 8 parking spaces. However, it has been confirmed that some of the additional floor space will be used as a storage area for equipment. Therefore, this application proposes an additional 76 square metres of usable floor area, totalling 162 square metres. This generates a parking requirement of 3 spaces.



The application form states that the Scout Hall has access to 80 car parking spaces within the car park. However, only 64 spaces can be accounted for which are shared with other users. Whilst the proposals generate a requirement for 3 spaces, it is understood that the scout group will serve those living in Grove only and not the wider area therefore reducing the need for the private car. On balance, when considering the information provided, it is not considered that the proposed development to result in adverse implications upon highway safety and convenience of use.



However, if additional floor space is proposed which would in turn mean greater parking demand, then this reason in of itself does not warrant the dismissal of 8 spaces which would not only undermine parking for the shared uses (Grove Rugby Club and Grove Challengers) which are assessed on current merit, but could result in displaced parking along a section of Cane Lane. A planning condition to limit the useable floorspace to 162m2 is therefore reasonable and necessary in this instance in order to mitigate the potential additional impact of greater parking demand that would be associated with a larger useable floor area. With the condition attached, the Oxfordshire County Council highways engineer has raised no objections to the application.



It is acknowledged that the parish council have raised concerns about construction access, traffic and parking. Given the scale of the development, it is not considered that a Construction Traffic Management Plan is reasonable or necessary, and this has not been recommended by the highway authority. Any obstruction to the highway is a police matter. If access is required over third party land, this is a civil matter dealt with outside of planning.



Flood risk and drainage

Core Policy 42 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 part 1 seeks to ensure that development provides appropriate measures for the management of surface water as an essential element of reducing future flood risk to both the site and its surroundings.



The site is within Flood Zone 1, meaning that there is the lowest probability of flooding. The drainage engineer has raised no objections to the proposal, subject to details being provided for the surface water drainage scheme and foul water drainage scheme. It is considered reasonable and necessary to secure these details by condition.



Land contamination

Development Policy 27 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 part 2 sets out measures to ensure land affected by contamination is appropriately remediated and mitigated.



Land contamination has the potential to be present due to the building planned

for demolition potentially containing asbestos-containing material and no

asbestos survey has been submitted with the application. To ensure that any

land contamination that could impact the development or the wider environment is identified, a contaminated land preliminary risk assessment is required. It is considered reasonable and necessary to secure this by condition.




Policy CP46 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 part 1 seeks to protect and enhance biodiversity across the district.



The building is located within good surrounding habitat for bats. The countryside officer has reviewed the nocturnal bat survey report submitted to support this application. No bats were recorded emerging from the building and as such bats are considered absent from the current building. No further surveys are required. As bats have been recorded in the area, it is considered that a bat box should be erected onsite in a suitable location. It is considered reasonable and necessary to secure this by condition.




Policy CP44 of the adopted Local Plan 2031 part 1 sets out the Council’s approach to protecting the key features that contribute to the nature and quality of the landscape from harmful development and where possible enhanced. This includes features such as trees, hedgerows and woodland that positively contributes to the landscape setting.



The proposal will require the removal of two hawthorn trees that are of limited arboricultural quality and therefore not considered to be a constraint to the development. The forestry officer has recommended a tree protection condition to ensure the satisfactory protection of trees around the site during construction

works and a landscaping condition to secure planting to mitigate the loss of the trees to be removed and help assimilate the proposal into its surroundings. These conditions are considered to be reasonable and necessary.



Community Infrastructure Levy

The proposed development is not liable for CIL.



Pre-commencement conditions

In accordance with S100ZA(6) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (a), any pre-commencement conditions have been agreed with the applicant.





The proposed development is considered acceptable in design terms and will not harm the visual amenity of the area. There is no material harm to the amenities of neighbouring properties and there is no significant impact on highway safety. The impacts on drainage, biodiversity, trees and land contamination can be appropriately mitigated through planning conditions. The proposal therefore complies with the relevant development plan policies, the council’s Design Guide, and the provisions of the NPPF.




The following planning policies have been taken into account:



Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031 part 1

CP01  -  Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development

CP35  -  Promoting Public Transport, Cycling and Walking

CP37  -  Design and Local Distinctiveness

CP40  -  Sustainable Design and Construction

CP42  -  Flood Risk

CP44  -  Landscape

CP46  -  Conservation and Improvement of Biodiversity


Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2031 part 2

DP16  -  Access

DP21  -  External Lighting

DP23  -  Impact of Development on Amenity

DP24  -  Effect of Neighbouring or Previous Uses on New Developments

DP27  -  Land Affected by Contamination

DP34  -  Leisure and Sports Facilities



Neighbourhood Plan

Grove does not have a neighbourhood plan.



Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD)

Design Guide – March 2015



Other material documents/considerations

·         National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

·         Planning Practice Guidance (PPG)



Other Relevant Legislation

·         Community & Infrastructure Levy Legislation

·         Human Rights Act 1998

·         Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010

·         Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998

·         Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (amended)

Case officer: Sally Appleyard


Tel: 01235 422600